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Annotated extended essay sample 2 (grading criteria)

Extended criteria for the extended essay (first exam May 2018)

Criteria A: Focus and method

The research question is appropriate as an extended essay topic and the candidate clearly describes the research process they intend to use.  The research question is expressed as a question and has a clear objective.  In terms of sources the candidate divides their essay into two distinct sections.  The first a summary of the relevant economic theory used in the essay - price discrimination and elasticity.  The candidate then uses a survey that he compiled himself to see how the theory of price discrimination could be applied to the resort hotels where he lived.  Overall while the survey was well written (if too short) there were an insufficient number of responses to help the candidate complete their research.  The number of secondary sources was also insufficient to score a higher mark in this criteria.  (3 / 6 marks). 

Criteria B: Knowledge and understanding

The candidate clearly has a good grasp of the relevant subject matter and applied it well to the resort hotels in Erzurum. Again as in criteria A I feel that there are an insufficient number of completed surveys to provide the conclusions that he did.  Many of the theories and descriptions also appear to be paraphrased from the textbook or similar sources.  (3 / 6 marks).

Criteria C: Evaluation

This criterion assesses the extent to which critical-thinking skills have been used to analyse and evaluate the research undertaken.  The research completed during the essay is adequate but is not comprehensive enough to answer conclusively that price discrimination is actively practised in the resort.  This is because it was based on a small number of surveys and one interview with a hotel manager.  This meant that  most of the findings in the essay were supported by the evidence provided but not entirely.  The candidate recognises the strengths

and weaknesses of the research completed, recognising the lack of responses in his work, not in sufficient depth to reach a higher mark band. 

(6 / 12 marks)

Criteria D: Presentation

The essay is well structured and easy to read and all of the primary research is cited correctly.  Definitions are included in the main body of the essay and the reference section appears to contain only the works used in the essay.  A transcript of the interview is also included and overall I would describe the presentation as adequate.  (2 out of 4 marks).

Criteria E: Engagement

The candidate had a well thought out plan and followed through with this process enthusiastically.  The candidate also demonstrated a level of engagement during the writing and research process and was able to articulate their thoughts and research during the three reflection periods that I had with him.  I believe that the student writing this essay has a good understanding of price discrimination.  (5 / 6 marks)

Overall score and grade.

The overall score for this essay was 19 out of a maximum score of 34.  In the year of the submission this essay was awarded a grade C.

Essay sample 2