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Unit 2.11: Market power (HL only)

Unit 2.11: Market power 

This is a link page to sub-pages, containing lesson plans and learning activities, which provide activities and lesson plans for the new microeconomics unit, 2.11: Market power. 

Typically each lesson plan includes resources to use on an interactive whiteboard and worksheets to print. The pages have full student access to give maximum flexibility to the teacher and the student. There are theoretical notes for extended reading and teacher notes at the top that provide timing information lesson objectives and activity instructions.

Links to pages with lesson plans for unit 2.11 (HL only)

Direct links to the unit pages can be accessed at:

Assessment map

This page provides a map of the various assessments included in the unit, including short answers responses, essays and areas for discussion. I have included a section A and section B blank essay template...

Unit 2.8: Merit goods

This lesson looks at another reason for market failure in economics - the undersupply of merit goods in an economy. I find that students will sometimes confuse the concepts of merit goods and positive...

Unit 2.8: Demerit goods / negative externalities

This page focuses on another cause of market failure, the negative spillover costs associated with the consumption of demerit goods and some of the policies that governments can use to reduce the negative...

Market failure crossword

Let your classes enjoy this revision crossword, perfect for a Friday afternoon or the last week of term. Students can have fun and learn at the same time with this exercise - answers included.

Merit and demerit goods revision sheet

This page includes a short, relatively straightforward revision exercise that you can distribute to your classes to complete either in class or at home. I generally give this to my classes, have them...

Unit 2.9: Economics of the environment and public goods

This lesson aims to introduce the concept of market failure. I like to start by asking my classes two questions. Number one what is a market place? You can even draw this on the whiteboard and then ask...

Unit 2.10: Asymmetric information (HL only)

This page contains a higher level only element of the market market failure section and highlights another example of market failure in an economy. I find that asymmetric information is a difficult concept...

Public goods and asymmetric short answer revision questions

This page includes a short, relatively straightforward revision exercise that you can distribute to your classes to complete either in class or at home. I generally give this to my classes, have them...

Unit 2.8-2.10: Market failure review sheet

This table which when completed can be used as a revision aid, for the types of goods unit.Private goodsFree goodsPublic goodsMerit goodsDe-merit goods

Unit 2.8-2.10: Market failure review terms

I have included this page, which contains a PDF handout as a simple revision exercise. I find that many IB students get a degree of comfort from these short summary handouts.Available as a PDF file at:...

Unit 2.7-2.10: Multiple choice quiz

Quiz available as a PDF file at: Quiz on unit 2.7-2.10Having now completed the pages from unit 2.7-2.11, why not enjoy playing a game of 'who wants to be a millionaire', or 'speed match', with questions...

Unit 2.7-2.10 Government failure revision quiz

The revision quiz can be downloaded as a PDF file at: unit 2.7-2.10 market failure

Unit 2.11: Market power (HL only)

This is a link page to sub-pages, containing lesson plans and learning activities, which provide activities and lesson plans for the new microeconomics unit, 2.11: Market power. Typically each lesson...

Unit 2.12: The market’s inability to achieve equity (HL only)

Is the market able to achieve equity?Is capitalism moral?Lesson time: 70 minutesLesson objectives:Understand whether a free market economy may result in an unequal distribution of income, wealth and opportunity.

Units 1+2 Microeconomics quiz (SL units only)

The multiple choice quiz is available as a PDF file at: Multiple choice quiz SL only

Unit 2: Review sheets

I have included this page, which contains a PDF handout as a simple revision exercise. I find that many IB students get a degree of comfort from these short summary handouts.Available as a PDF file at:...