Unit 4.10: Economic growth and/or economic development strategies
Links to pages with lesson plans for unit 4.10
This is a link page to sub-pages, containing lesson plans and learning activities, which provide activities and lesson plans for the last Global economics unit, 4.10: Economic growth and/or economic development strategies. Typically each lesson plan includes resources to use on an interactive whiteboard and worksheets to print. The pages have full student access to give maximum flexibility to the teacher and the student. There are theoretical notes for extended reading and teacher notes at the top that provide timing information lesson objectives and activity instructions.
Direct links to the pages in this unit can be accessed at:
Assessment map
This page provides a map of the various assessments included in the unit, including short answers responses, case studies and areas for discussion.Syllabus area: The role of domestic factors (old syllabus...
The role of domestic factors
What role do the following factors play in contributing towards economic development - investments in education and health, the use of appropriate technology, access to credit / micro-credits, the empowerment...
The role of international trade and development
How do each of the following contribute towards economic growth and economic development - import substitution, export promotion, trade liberalization, the role of the WTO, bilateral and regional preferential...
The role of foreign direct investment (FDI)
How does direct investment from overseas MNCs impact on the level of development in an LEDC. Are Western consumers prepared to pay more for their consumer goods so that working conditions in LEDCs improve?
The role of foreign aid
This lesson focuses on the role of aid in assisting economic development in LEDCs. This lesson also looks at a question debated by economists for almost as long as nations have been receiving aid. Does...
Multilateral development assistance
This lesson looks at the roles of the IMF and the World in promoting economic development. Under the old syllabus this page was covered under unit 4.6.Understanding the role of the IMF and the World...
The role of international debt
This page focuses on the problems created by indebtedness within LEDCs and firstly asks the question, how did third world debt became so unmanageable? This page also looks at the impact this has had...
The balance between markets and intervention
Are market based or interventionist approaches to development the most effective or might a combination of both provide the most effective formulae for development?Lesson time: 2 hoursLesson objectives:
Unit 4.9 - 4.10: Review sheet
I have included this page, which contains a PDF handout as a simple revision exercise. I find that many IB students get a degree of comfort from these short summary handouts.Available as a PDF file at:...