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Annotated extended essay sample 1 (grading criteria)

Extended essay criteria for the extended essay (First exams May 2018)

Criteria A: Focus and method

The research question is excellent as an extended essay topic and the candidate outlines the research process in an effective manner.  The research question is expressed as a question and has a clear objective.  The level of research reliance on specific and relevant data collected from primary sources made this ideal as an extended essay topic, allowing the candidate to relate a real life situation into an essay using theory contained in the market failure / positive externality sections of the syllabus.  (5 / 6 marks). 

Criteria B: Knowledge and understanding

The candidate clearly has a good grasp of the relevant subject matter and applies market failure / positive externality theory correctly and appropriately.  Some of the descriptions appear to be paraphrased from the textbook or similar sources and are largely generic in nature which is why I could not score this higher than 4/6.  (4 / 6 marks).

Criteria C: Evaluation

This criterion assesses the extent to which critical-thinking skills have been used to analyse and evaluate the research undertaken.  There is extensive primary research carried out in the essay, which makes up for what could be argued is relatively simplistic use of theory.   The candidate was rewarded in this category for the sheer volume of data collected rather than any complex analysis of it.

The strengths and weaknesses of the research completed were addressed but not in sufficient depth to reach a higher mark band. 

(8 / 12 marks)

Criteria D: Presentation

The essay is well structured and easy to read and all of the primary research is cited correctly.  Definitions are included in the main body of the essay and the reference section appears to contain only the works used in the essay. (3 out of 4 marks).

Criteria E: Engagement

This is a new engagement criteria and throughout the extended essay process this candidate had a well thought out plan and followed through with this process.  The candidate also demonstrated a level of engagement during the writing and research process and was able to articulate their thoughts and research during the three reflection periods that I had with him.  (5 / 6 marks)

Overall score and grade.

The overall score for this essay was 25 out of a maximum score of 34.  In the year of the submission this essay was awarded a grade A by the IB examining team, based on the quantity and quality of the data provided.

The original essay can be accessed at:  Essay 1