Sustainable development
This lesson introduces the development economics course and focuses on the goals set out by the UN, to improve the lives of the poorest sections of the planet.
Enquiry question
What are the sustainable development goals?
Is the world on target to achieve the goals that it has set itself?
Lesson time: 35 minutes
Lesson objectives:
Outline the current status of international development goals, including the Sustainable Development Goals.
Teacher notes:
1. Beginning activity - begin with the opening video and then discuss the sustainable development goals as a class. Is the world on target to meet these goals or not? (Allow 15 minutes in total for the video, discussion and questions on activity 1)
2. Processes - technical vocabulary - the students can learn the background information from the videos, activities and the list of key terms. (allow 5 minutes to read the key terms)
3. Activity 2 - students can watch the short video and summarise the SDGs. (10 minutes)
4. Fun simulation on development - (5 minutes)
Key terms:
Development - measures improvements in individual freedom, reducing poverty as well as the provision of public services – education, health care and the maintenance of law and order. Economic development is measured by the HDI (human development index).
Sustainable development goals - 17 life-changing goals, outlined by the UN in 2015. These global goals, also known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), include ending extreme poverty, giving people better healthcare, and achieving equality for women.
Activity 1: Sustainable development goals
Start by watching the following video and then summarise the 5 Ps which form the basis of the sustainable development goals:
The 5 Ps are people, prosperity, peace, partnership and planet.
Further reading on the sustainable development goals can be found at: SDG
Activity 2: Development simulation
End this lesson with this fun simulation: