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Macroeconomic objectives crossword

Macroeconomic objectives crossword

Let your classes enjoy this revision crossword, perfect for a Friday afternoon or the last week of term.  Students can have fun and learn at the same time with this exercise - answers included. 

Crossword: Macroeconomic objectives


1. One measurement of inflation

2. The limit of a nation's productive capacity

4. When prices are falling in the economy

9. Unemployment caused by a lack of geographical and / or occupational mobility

14. When the only unemployment in the economy is structural and frictional

16. People willing and able to work in a nation.


1. This unemployment can result from excessive trade union power, so say monetarists

3. Unemployment resulting from a worker whose contract expires and then not renewed

5. When the economy grows (in real terms)

6. Measures the relationship between tax revenue collected and income tax rates

7. Created by a former crocodile hunter from New Zealand

8. When a nations exports are smaller than its import levels 10. Average prices still rising but at a slower rate

11. A rise in average price levels

12. The result of continual budget deficits

13. Individuals in the economically active population without paid employment

15. Measures income / wealth inequality.

Answer key:


1. CPI 

2. PPF 

4. Deflation

9. Structural 

14. Full employment 

16. Labour force


1. Classical 

3. Frictional 

5. Economic growth 

6. Laffer curve

7. Phillips curve 

8. Trade deficit 

10. Disinflation

11. Inflation

12. National debt

13. Unemployment

15. Lorenz curve

Available as a PDF file at:  Crossword