InThinking Revision Sites


Own your learning

Why not also try our independent learning self-study & revision websites for students?

We currenly offer the following DP Sites: Biology, Chemistry, English A Lang & Lit, Maths A&A, Maths A&I, Physics, Spanish B

"The site is great for revising the basic understandings of each topic quickly. Especially since you are able to test yourself at the end of each page and easily see where yo need to improve."

"It is life saving... I am passing IB because of this site!"

Basic (limited access) subscriptions are FREE. Check them out at:

Giving students access to the Inthinking site

Giving students access to the Inthinking site

An important feature of this site is the ability to give students access to both the online textbook and most of the materials, including activities, writing samples and revision materials.

You can choose to make material available as you like.  To give them access is pretty simple. Just follow the steps below.

Giving students access to the Inthinking site

1. Go to the homepage. You will see a button right under the masthead bar that has the name of your subscription. Click on that button.

2. You should now see user settings. Click on "Student access.

3. Then click on "Groups."  You will be taken to a page where you will be asked to create a group.  Give it an appropriate name and description and then press next.

4. You will then be asked to select which pages you would like your students to see.  You may, for example, want to make all pages of the textbook visible to them.  You can always come back and add more pages.  Once you have selected some pages, press "next."

5.  You should now have a web link to give your students.  They will use this link to set up their account and join your class.

What if I have already created a group but forgot the link?

If you have forgotten the link, go back and open the group.  When you do this, you will see a list of students in your class.  Click on Manage Students and then on "invite students."  You will see the link again.

What if I want to add more content for students?

Go back to the group and click on "Add/Edit Content."  Then select more pages and choose "save."