Exam style questions
Selected Pages
Unit 2.8(1): Market failure – externalities
Markets fail when the free market forces of demand and supply lead to an allocation of resources that does not maximise...
Unit 2.1- 2.5: Competitive markets quiz
The quiz can be downloaded at the following link: Competitive markets quiz
Barriers to development in International trade
How do the following act as barriers to development for economically less developed countries - over-specialization on a...
Demerit goods
Plenty of politicians have their eyes on the harmful consequences of online gaming. There are stories of gamers playing...
Unit 4.5 Exchange rates
An exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another set on the foreign exchange markets. Exchange rates are...
Economics real world examples and extension material
The aim of this section of the textbook is to develop student knowledge and understanding of real-world examples which are...