Unit 4.9 - 4.10: Review sheet
Review of terms for unit 4.9 - 4.10: International trade
I have included this page, which contains a PDF handout as a simple revision exercise. I find that many IB students get a degree of comfort from these short summary handouts.
1. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
/ micro loans are very small loans made to often impoverished borrowers who typically lack collateral, steady employment, or a verifiable credit history.
Microcredits Credits Small
2. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
includes machinery and technology that is and more appropriate for than conventional technology used in wealthier nations.
technology cheaper smaller LEDCs Appropriate Adapted
3. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
Primary product dependency occurs when an LDC is dependent on producing and exporting , which suffer from fluctuating and supply side because of natural disasters and extreme weather conditions (hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts and tsunamis).
shocks prices materials commodities secondary primary
4. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
Declining are the result of when the market for a nation's major export product declines, often quite sharply through circumstances beyond that nation's control.
balance trade of terms
5. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
OPEC stands for and consists of LEDCs or former LEDCs that rely on the export of oil / gas to finance the lion share of their budget.
organisation economic producing countries community exporting petroleum oil of
6. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
are national currencies that cannot be traded officially on the world markets.
exchange Non convertible rates currencies None
7. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
Agricultural subsidy are government incentives to agribusinesses and farmers which then acts as a to . This subsidy paid to farmers in the Developed world makes their goods cheaper than food produced in the developing world, when under normally circumstances the LEDC might expect to have a advantage.
barrier creation development comparative absolute paid
8. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
A can be described as a company with manufacturing plants in different countries. MNCs provide direct foreign to different nations.
investment company production international multinational
9. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
is an investment in the form of a controlling ownership in a business in one country by an entity based in another country.
10. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
can be defined as any assistance provided to a country that would not otherwise have been given if left up to market forces.
11. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
aid includes loans given to a nation, dependent on the condition that the funds are used to purchase goods and services from the donor country.
Bilateral Multilateral Tied
12. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
Project or grant aid is aid given to a LEDC for a particular development project, in the form of a grant which does not need to be .
provided given repaid
13. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
includes assistance provided in the form of technical help, such as the provision of doctors, teachers or engineers, rather than financial assistance.
Bilateral aid Technical Humanitarian development
14. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
is provided from one nation e.g. USA to another, while multilateral aid - provided via a third party e.g. the UN or UNICEF.
Bilateral Multilateral Technical aid development
15. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
is aid designed to alleviate suffering in a specific area, e.g. funds used to help rebuild infrastructure after a disaster as well as provide immediate relief to areas affected by natural disasters.
aid Multilateral Technical Humanitarian development
16. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
is designed to improve conditions in the long term, e.g. technical training, improvements to hospitals and schools. The aim of development aid is to facilitate direct improvements in through increased years of schooling and life expectancy levels.
Bilateral aid HDI Humanitarian Development
17. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
can be described as funds paid to family members back home by expatriates / refugees working overseas.
Hard Soft Loans Remittances
18. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
are loans paid to a nation or organisation to be repaid at interest rates below the market rate.
Hard Soft loans Remittances
19. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
are loans paid to a nation or organisation to be repaid at commercial rates of interest.
Hard Soft loans Remittances
20. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
Grant aid includes monies paid that do not have to be .
provided given repaid
21. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
s - usually non-profit organisations and often funded by governments, active in relatively small scale humanitarian, educational, health care and projects in LEDCs.
growth development NGO IMF World bank
22. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
is an organization of 189 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.
The Development NGOs IMF World bank
23. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
is an international financial institution that provides interest-free loans and grants to the governments of poorer countries for the purpose of pursuing capital projects.
World NGOs IMF bank
24. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
( s) are fiscal and monetary conditions imposed on nations (usually LEDCs) that wish to access funds from the IMF or the World Bank. These are often imposed to ensure that the borrowing nation to ensure that they are in a position to repay the loan.
adjustment SAP policies export led Structural Regional
25. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
consist of capital flows into nations with higher interest rates and / or expected changes in exchange rates. This provides a source of foreign capital for the nation.
Hot flight money flows Capital
26. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
occurs when assets or money rapidly flow out of a country, for example from the political and economic elites in LEDCs to safe havens in Developed nations.
Hot flight money flows Capital
27. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
represents the size of a nation's total debt as a % of its GDP. By contrast the ratio represents the ratio of a nation's debt service payments to its earnings.
Debt burden Revenues service import export
28. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
policies are aimed at promoting economic growth / development through market mechanisms e.g. privatisation, deregulation of markets, low taxation, free trade, low government intervention in business, floating exchange rates and an absence of capital controls.
market development Free policies Interventionist
29. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
are aimed at promoting economic growth / development through government intervention e.g. investments in human and physical infrastructure, protectionist trade policies, exchange rate intervention and regulation of monopolies.
market development Free policies Interventionist
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