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Introduction to economics crossword

Introduction to economics crossword

Let your classes enjoy this revision crossword, perfect for a Friday afternoon or the last week of term.  Students can have fun and learn at the same time with this exercise - answers included.



2. A centrally planned economic system 

7. Run by the government 

12. Land, labour e.t.c 

13. An economic statement which is a fact 

15. Run by private businesses 


1. Sets prices in a free market 

3. The additional enjoyment gained when consuming just one more 

4. Represents the maximum number of products an economy can produce 

5. An economy where the customer is king 

6. Not planned or free market 

8. The point where TU falls below 0 

9. Spending your limited income wisely 

10. Opinion based economic statement 

11. A system of production, resource allocation and distribution 

14. Pleasure that you can measure 


2. A centrally planned economic system (command)

7. Run by the government (public sector)

12. Land, labour e.t.c (factors of production)

13. An economic statement which is a fact (positive)

15. Run by private businesses (private sector)


1. Sets prices in a free market (market)

3. The additional enjoyment gained when consuming just one more (marginal utility)

4. Represents the maximum number of products an economy can produce (ppc)

5. An economy where the customer is king (free market)

6. Not planned or free market (mixed economy)

8. The point where TU falls below 0 (saturation point)

9. Spending your limited income wisely (rationality)

10. Opinion based economic statement (normative)

11. A system of production, resource allocation and distribution (economic system)

14. Pleasure that you can measure (utils)

The crossword is available as a PDF file at:  Crossword

Solutions available at:  Solutions