Selected Pages
Unit 4.2/4.3 Trade protectionism
Whilst most economists see a very strong case for free trade between countries, most countries use trade barriers to restrict...
Giving students access to the Inthinking site
An important feature of this site is the ability to give students access to both the online textbook and most of the materials,...
Chapter 4: The Global Economy
This chapter includes the units covered in the global economy section of the new syllabus which replaces the international...
Unit 2.11(4) Market power - Monopolistic competition(HL)
Monopolistic competition is a form of imperfect competition. Many markets across the economy share the characteristics of...
Contents page
The chapters in the textbook are set out in exactly the same order as the topics covered in the IB Economics specification...
Unit 2.5(1): Price elasticity of demand (PED)
Elasticity is an economic concept based on change. It measures how consumers and producers respond to changes in variables...