Unit 2.5-2.6: Review terms
Review of terms for unit 2.5-2.6: Elasticity
I have included this page, which contains a PDF handout as a simple revision exercise. I find that many IB students get a degree of comfort from these short summary handouts.
Fill in the gaps (unit 2.5-2.6 review questions):
1. Price elasticity of demand can be described as the responsiveness of for a good or service, following a change in . It is calculated by % change in / % change in .
price quantity demanded price quantity demanded demand demand
Fill in the gaps (unit 2.5-2.6 review questions):
2. Price elasticity of supply can be described as the responsiveness of for a product, following a change in . It is calculated by % change in / .
price % change in price price quantity supplied supplied supplied quantity supplied
Fill in the gaps (unit 2.5-2.6 review questions):
3. (YED) can be described as the responsiveness of for a good or service, following a change in . It is calculated by % change in / % change in .
quantity demanded demand Income elasticity of demand demand income income quantity demanded price
Fill in the gaps (unit 2.5-2.6 review questions):
4. Agricultural products are normally PES , while manufactured goods normally have a PES greater than . This is because it is assumed that manufactured goods find it easier to substitute towards the production of different products more easily.
1 0 factor rewards factors of production elastic inelastic
Fill in the gaps (unit 2.5-2.6 review questions):
5. Luxury goods and services are normally PED , while necessity goods normally have a PED lower than .
speculative 1 0 highly elastic elastic
Fill in the gaps (unit 2.5-2.6 review questions):
6. In normal circumstances primary products have the PED, followed by manufactured goods and then , which are usually the most PED elastic.
lowest highest services luxury goods
Fill in the gaps (unit 2.5-2.6 review questions):
7. Firms operating at full capacity will normally find that the products they produce are highly PES , while the PES elasticity for a firm will rise as the available increases.
elastic inelastic unitary capacity
Fill in the gaps (unit 2.5-2.6 review questions):
8. Firms producing a PED inelastic good will find that their revenue when prices rise and when prices fall. Firms producing a PED elastic good will find that there revenue when prices rise and when prices fall. Firms producing goods which are PED unitary will see revenue when there is a change in price.
unchanged is unaffected rise falls fall rises remains constant
Available as a PDF file at: Review terms on elasticity
Teachers copy available at: Teacher copy
Having now completed the pages on elasticity, why not test your students knowledge via a multiple choice quiz at: Unit 1.2: Multiple choice quiz
Alternatively perhaps your students would enjoy playing another game of 'who wants to be a millionaire', with questions focused on elasticity. This is available at: Who wants to be a millionaire