Unit 4.1-4.6: International trade crossword
International trade crossword
Let your classes enjoy this revision crossword, perfect for a Friday afternoon or the last week of term. Students can have fun and learn at the same time with this exercise - answers included.
7. Free trade between members but common external barriers
8. Trade without export and import barriers
9. Production switches from a high cost producer to a lower cost one
10. A tax placed on an imported good or service
13. Production switches from a low cost producer to a higher cost one
16. What the lower cost producer has
17. Trade in goods
18. When a currency rises in value as a result of changes to demand and / or supply of the currency
20. When the value of a country's exports > imports there is a current account .......
22. Part of AD, not C, I or G
23. Exchange rate system where the government allows some movement
1. When the value of a country's imports > exports, there is a current account .......
2. When a currency falls in value as a result of changes to demand and / or supply of the currency
3. An example of a free trade area
4. Sometimes called a customs union plus
5. When you can produce something at a lower opportunity cost than another
6. When a currency rises in value as a result of government policy
11. Restrictions placed on the free movement of goods and services
12. Sometimes called hidden barriers
14. Trade in services
15. When a currency rises in value as a result of government policy
19. An example of a common currency in a monetary union
21. A limit on the numbers or value of a good or service that a country will allow into the country
7. Customsunion
8. Freetrade
9. Trade creation
10. Tariff
13. Tradediversion
16. Absolute advantage
17. Visible
18. Appreciation
20. Surplus
22. Net exports
23. Managed
1. Deficit
2. Depreciation
4. Common market
5. Comparative advantage
6. Revaluation
11. Protectionism
12. Redtape
14. Invisible
15. Devaluation
19. Euro
21. Quota
The crossword and answer key are available as PDF files: Crossword clues