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Contents page

The chapters in the textbook are set out in exactly the same order as the topics covered in the IB Economics specification published in 2020. Within each chapter, in the textbook, every section of the IB Economics syllabus is covered in the same order as the specification published in 2020.

Textbook chapters

The chapters in the textbook are set out in exactly the same order as the topics covered in the IB Economics specification published in 2020. Within each chapter, in the textbook, every section of the IB Economics syllabus is covered in the same order as the specification published in 2020.

Revision notes based on the material in each chapter can be downloaded as a pdf version.

Within each chapter, there are IB style questions based on papers 1,2 and 3 along with answers. Each chapter finishes with a set of multiple choice questions based on the material covered in the chapter.

Chapter 1

This chapter provides an introduction to economics which covers the background to the subject and the evolution of economic thinking.

Chapter 2

This chapter includes the remaining units in microeconomics which include demand and supply, elasticity, critique of the maximizing behaviour of consumers and producers, government intervention in markets and market failure.

Chapter 3

This chapter is focused on the units covered in macroeconomics. The section includes measuring economic activity, aggregate demand and supply, unemployment, inflation, economic growth, inequality, poverty and macroeconomic policies.

Chapter 4

This chapter covers the units covered in the global economy section of the syllabus which includes the benefits of international trade, protectionism, economic integration, exchange rates, the balance of payments, sustainable development, measuring development, the barriers to developments and strategies to achieve growth and development.

Textbook approach to the new IB Economics examination specification

This chapter from the Economics textbook sets out how the assessment model from the new specification is used in the textbook. This is primarily the way questions with markscheme answers are used in each...

Economics extension material

This section of the textbook aims to take different aspects of the IB Economics course and develop them further so that students can full explore Economic theories, ideas and issues. Whilst the...