Lesson notes
Your students who enjoyed playing the other games on this website, may also enjoy this page, which contains a set of crosswords based on the IB economics syllabus. I hope your students enjoy playing them and use them as part of their revision process
Links to the following pages can be accessed directly at:
Introduction to economics crossword
Let your classes enjoy this revision crossword, perfect for a Friday afternoon or the last week of term. Students can have fun and learn at the same time with this exercise - answers included.
Demand and supply crossword
Let your classes enjoy this revision crossword, perfect for a Friday afternoon or the last week of term. Students can have fun and learn at the same time with this exercise - answers included.
Market failure crossword
Let your classes enjoy this revision crossword, perfect for a Friday afternoon or the last week of term. Students can have fun and learn at the same time with this exercise - answers included.
Market power crossword
Let your classes enjoy this revision crossword, perfect for a Friday afternoon or the last week of term. Students can have fun and learn at the same time with this exercise - answers included.
Macroeconomic objectives crossword
Let your classes enjoy this revision crossword, perfect for a Friday afternoon or the last week of term. Students can have fun and learn at the same time with this exercise - answers included.
Unit 3: Revision crossword
Let your classes enjoy this revision crossword, perfect for a Friday afternoon or the last week of term. Students can have fun and learn at the same time with this exercise - answers included.
Unit 4.1-4.6: International trade crossword
Let your classes enjoy this revision crossword, perfect for a Friday afternoon or the last week of term. Students can have fun and learn at the same time with this exercise - answers included.
Unit 4.7 - 4.10: Development crossword
Let your classes enjoy this revision crossword, perfect for a Friday afternoon or the last week of term. Students can have fun and learn at the same time with this exercise - answers included.