Unit 4.4: Review sheet
Review of terms for unit 4.4: Economic integration
I have included this page, which contains a PDF handout as a simple revision exercise. I find that many IB students get a degree of comfort from these short summary handouts.
1. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
involves different countries coordinating and linking their economic policies, for example trade agreements between two nations or at the other end of the scale, a such as the EU.
bilateral integration union Union Fiscal Economic multilateral Monetary
2. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
Preferential Trading Agreements offer preferential (i.e. tariff barriers) between participating nations, but not trade between members. Examples of this include the EU / African Caribbean trade agreement or ACP (Pacific Group of States).
higher lower free barriers
3. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
are a more comprehensive arrangement than preferential trading agreements because they provide tariff free trade between members. Examples include (North America free trade area).
Areas Free tariff EEA NAFTA Trade
4. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
is an agreement between member countries to ensure free trade within those countries but also barriers.
Customs common Internal Monetary external union
5. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
A is a customs union plus, consisting of common standards on goods and services and the free movement of .
market common fiscal monetary current capital
6. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
involves a common currency, such as the Euro as well as universal .
Economic policy fiscal monetary Union Financial
7. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
A consists of a larger and consolidated group of nations or states, that share a joint government that is internationally acknowledged e.g. UK, UAE.
market common union monetary political customs
8. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
are reached between two nations or trading groups that gives each party favoured trade status.
trade Bilateral Multilateral agreements
9. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
are agreed between a number nations or trading groups and give each party favoured trade trade status.
Trade Bilateral Multilateral agreements
10. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
One disadvantage of a is that negotiating separate third party deals is not allowed and membership also compels individual nations to abide by common rules agreed by the other .
members common union monetary political customs
11. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
Trade creation occurs when entry to a customs union means that the production of a good or service switches from a producer to a one.
cost cost opportunity high lower
12. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
occurs when the production of a good or service diverts from a low cost producer to a higher cost one.
diversion Trade creation Growth
13. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
The difference between a Free Trade Area (FTA) and a is that the latter includes . This brings about benefits through increased economies of scale and increased competition in the market.
political fiscal customs monetary union common barriers internal external
14. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
Joining a Customs Union such as the EU provides advantages from increased trade ( ) but can also provide disadvantages in the form of , when trade is diverted from producers to ones.
trade cost cost trade high low growth creation diversion
15. Complete the following sentences by adding in the missing words:
The four roles of the include acting as forum so that participating nations can meet and agree ways that can be reduced, ensuring that the complex trade rules developed by the WTO's members are respected, reviewing the of its members to assess whether WTO members are abiding by WTO rules and acting as a and jury in cases where countries are perceived to have free trade rules.
trade quota policies trade WTO judge tariff broken barriers
The review sheet can be downloaded as a PDF file at: Review sheet
Teacher copy available at: Teacher copy