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Unit 4.1-4.6: Multiple choice quiz II

Unit 4: Multiple choice questions


1. Which of the following is considered a benefit of trade



2. What determines the pattern of specialisation and trade in industries with external economies of scale?



3. International trade is most likely to generate short-term unemployment in:



4. According to the Ricardo's principle, specialisation and trade increase a nation's total output since:


5. According to David Riccardo's comparative advantage theory, the following is NOT a reason for countries to trade?



6. Which of the following is an advantage from international specialisation:



7. According to mercantilists, which of the following statements is most correct?


8. Which of the following creates a legal limits on the import of certain goods and services, from particular countries


9. Which of the following is also sometimes called hidden trade barriers?


10. Transportation cost of trade affects:



11. Nations conduct international trade because:


12. Free international trade maximises world economic growth and output through ________


13. The primary difference between a customs union and a free trade area is the following:


14. The primary difference between a PTA and a free trade area is the following:


15. Trade diversion can be described as:



16. Trade creation can be described as:


17. A group of nations agree to form a union that includes free trade between members, common external barriers and a centralised central bank with common interest rates and the abolition of national currencies, this is an example of:


18. A group of nations agree to form a union that includes free trade between members, but no common external barriers, this is an example of:


19. One criticism of being part of a monetary union is ____________


20. Which of the following best describes absolute and comparative advantage?


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The questions can be accessed as a PDF file at:  International trade