Unit 2.7-2.10: Multiple choice quiz
1. When a government places an ad valoreum tax on a good or service this is represented by:
Ad valoreum is a % tax on a good or service
2. When a government places a specific flat rate tax on a good or service this is represented by:
Flat rate taxes impose a fixed amount on the production of a good or service
3. When a government places a tax on a product there is a dead weight loss. This can be described as ________
4. When a government places a tax on a product we would expect to see a fall in sales and an increase in the price of the good or service. This is called the _______
5. Which of the following is not a reason for governments imposing a tax on a good or service?
6. Some governments prefer to collect tax revenues from income taxes and taxes on company profits rather than sales taxes. Which of the following reasons explains this preference?
7. Which of the following is not an advantage of advaloreum taxes rather than flat rate taxes?
8. Complete the following sentence. The burden of sales tax placed on a PED unitary goods is paid by the _________
9. Complete the following sentence. The burden of sales tax placed on a PED elastic goods is paid primarily by the _________
10. Which of the following reasons is not a reason for a government to place a subsidy on a good or service?
11. Governments place a maximum price (price ceiling) on a good or service for the following reasons:
12. A shortage for a good or service cannot be resolved by which of the following policies:
13. Which of the following goods and services are subject to a minimum price in many countries?
14. Which of the following is not an example of market failure?
15. The government wishes to correct market failure by internalising the externalities. This can be achieved by _________
17. The real cost of a subsidy can be described as ___________
18. A subsidy can be represented on a diagram by the following:
19. A government decides to offer subsidies to bread producers in a country. Which stakeholders benefit from the subsidy?
20. Which of the following is not a reason for a government to provide a minimum price for agricultural products.
Quiz available as a PDF file at: Quiz on unit 2.7-2.10
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