InThinking Revision Sites


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Step 1: Choose your topic

You need to figure out what you are going to talk about.  To figure that out, do the following three things in any order you choose before moving to the next part of the process.

1.   Pick your global issue and narrow it down to something manageable in a 10-minute oral.

2.   Pick your literary work and your non-literary text that comes from a body of work.

3.   Create a guiding question about your global issue to frame your thinking for the remaining work that must be done.

You must have your narrowed down global issue, your literary work, your non-literary text (from a body of work) and your guiding question to frame your thinking BEFORE moving to step 2.  See the page titled "What are Global Issues?" to help you in narrowing down your topic.  Your teacher will remind you of the literary works and the non-literary bodies of work you studied in class that can be used for the Individual Oral.  Remember, you cannot use a literary work or non-literary body of work for two different assessments (i.e. Paper 2 or your Higher Level Essay).

Fill out the worksheet below if it helps you in this process!