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2019 Paper 1 (SL) - Smartphones

Text 1 of the 2019 Paper 1 Standard Level exam is "adapted from a comic strip by Gabby Schultz" from July 11th, 2013.  You can find a link to the comic strip here, but do note that the penultimate panel (the panel with the horse's mouth) isn't included.  My guess is that the panel requires too much contextual knowledge - and is too esoteric - for it to have been included.

This exemplar is a very good example of what a student can accomplish in a Paper 1.  But it's not perfect.  This also makes it a wonderful exemplar to use with students.  Because it scores a 4 in criterion B, C and D, you can talk to students about what makes it more than a 3, but not yet a 5.  Why isn't it excellent?  It's that discussion of excellence that will allow your students to step up to the challenge of writing with even more sophistication.    

Sample Student Response

Teacher's Comments

Criterion A - Understanding of the text - 5 marks

The analysis of the text should show an understanding of the text's purpose, its context (where this can be deduced) and a target audience.  One's analysis of the text needs to be supported by relevant examples from the text. 

5 out of 5: This is an excellent response.  There is very good understanding of the text and context.  A bit more could have been done with the audience (it’s implicit), but the comments are supported by really relevant references to the text.

Criterion B - Understanding of the use and effects of stylistic features- 5 marks

The analysis of the text must show an awareness of how stylistic features, such as tone, style and structure, are used to construct meaning. A good analysis comments on effects of these features on its target audience.

4 out of 5: The understanding of the writer’s choices and the effects is good, but not yet very good.  Why?  The candidate could be more precise in their vocabulary, in what they are arguing.  It’s a bit repetitive at times and lacks the nuance and subtlety that excellence has.  Is this a language issue?  Yes, but it’s also an issue about unpacking the writer’s choices.  There’s just not enough here. 

Criterion C - Organization and development - 5 marks

The analysis must contain coherent arguments that are well-developed. The analysis must be organized effectively.

4 out of 5: At the higher end of a 4, the candidate has a well-organized and mostly coherent argument.

Criterion D - Language - 5 marks

The language of the analysis must be clear, varied and accurate.  The register of the analysis must be appropriate, meaning it contains formal sentence structure, good choice of words and effective terminology.

4 out of 5:  The grammatical accuracy wanes near the end.  There are just a few too many comma splices and errors that stop this from garnering top marks.  It’s so close, but not there yet.  As well, the vocabulary could be more sophisticated at times.