2016 P2 HL (The Bluest Eye and Ghosts - Exemplar 2)

Paper 2 is sometimes difficult for students to understand unless they have exemplars on the same two texts, using the same question, and varying just a bit in terms of quality.
That is exactly what you will find with this Paper 2. It uses the same two texts, The Bluest Eye and Ghosts. They both answer question six from the May 2016 exam: "how is ‘home’ depicted in at least two of the works you have studied and what is its significance.” This exemplar is not as good as the previous example (see here), but it still scores well.
Again, your students may not know these texts. They might not have ever even heard of them! That's okay. Use this exemplar with the previous one with students to compare and contrast introductions, argumentation, use of evidence, appreciation of the writer's choices, and language.
The InThinking "Paper 2: Writing Effective Introductory Paragraphs" will also support you and your students.
Assessment Criteria
Sample Essay
Examiner's Comments
Criterion A - Knowledge and understanding - 5 marks
The essay demonstrates an understanding of the works and knowledge of the contexts in which they were written. The student shows how context affects interpretations of the texts.
5 out of 5: The candidate knows the texts and their contexts well.
Criterion B - Response to the question - 5 marks
A Paper 2 essay should focus on the question chosen. The implications of the exam question need to be explored in depth, and the student's response must be relevant to it.
4 out of 5: The candidate does not focus enough on all aspects of the question to award more than this.
Criterion C - Understanding of the use and effects of stylistic features - 5 marks
In the Paper 2 exam, a connection needs to be made between the author's use of stylistic features and the effect of them on his or her audience. As Paper 2 questions invite students to explore how meaning is shaped by context, answers will have to explain why authors choose for a certain genre, narrative technique or structure.
4 out of 5: There is a good awareness of the stylistic features in this essay.
Criterion D - Organization and development - 5 marks
The essay must develop an answer to the question coherently and effectively. Topic sentences should guide the ideas of paragraphs. Illustrations should be integrated well and explanations should shed light on the subject matter.
4 out of 5: There is a good structure to the essay and how it is developed.
Criterion E - Language - 5 marks
The language of the Paper 2 exam should be effective and accurate. The choice of vocabulary and use of grammar should be consistent and appropriate.
4 out of 5: The language is good, but not excellent in vocabulary and sentence structure.