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Do you have a checklist to help me out?

Below, you will find a checklist for your Higher Level Essay.  Please remember that marking "yes" to each question on the checklist does not ensure a 7 on your essay!  Instead, this checklist asks you if you have completed 15 key components of the assessment task.  In general, it does not ask you about the quality of your writing or thinking.  Instead, it asks if you have done something or not.  In other words, use this checklist as a quick reference to make sure you aren't missing something.  As for the quality of your writing and thinking, seek support from your teacher (they will give you feedback on your first draft) and more importantly, work on being self-directed in your own learning.

15 Question Higher Level Essay Checklist

1. Do I have a title in the form of a question?                                                                                                                     

2. Is there a clear line of inquiry?  Can my teacher, my guardian, a peer or someone else easily identify my argument? 

3. Do I have strong argumentative sentences connected to my line of inquiry throughout the essay?                             

4.  Did I choose the best evidence/textual references to support my argument/line of inquiry?                                       

5.  Did I fluidly integrate (embed) those quotations and that evidence?                                                                              

6.  Have I named and analyzed the various choices/techniques used by the author and connected this to my line of inquiry/title/thesis?                                                                                                                                                                                 

7. Have I connected #6 to how this choice/technique impacts the reader/audience and why?                                          

8. Do my arguments develop in a logical manner and is the overall organization of the essay coherent?                        

9. Do I use transition words and phrases?                                                                                                                         

  • At the beginning of body paragraphs?
  • Inside body paragraphs?

10. Does my conclusion synthesize my thinking and argument rather than just summarize what I’ve already argued?   

11.  Do I use a variety of words and sentences including compound and complex sentences, semi-colons and colons?                                                                                                                                

12. Have I proofread for spelling, punctuation, long sentences and more?                                                                       

13. Have I used a formal referencing system throughout the essay?                                                                                

 14. Have I included a Works Cited or Bibliography for all of my sources at the end of the essay?                                 

15. Have I done everything else my teacher has asked of me?