Introducing the Individual Oral to Students (a PowerPoint)
The IB Language A: language and literature guide is a dense document. It’s vital for teachers; it’s much less friendly for students. And yet, how do we make sure students do what the guide says they must?
The following PowerPoint is intended as one way to answer that question. The aim is to introduce the Individual Oral to students in as friendly a manner as possible. It takes the format of commonly asked questions on the left half of the slide with answers to those questions on the right half.
This is a general PowerPoint; you may want to download it and make it more specific and relevant to your context. Add your literary works and non-literary bodies of work to it. Cut out slides that you have already covered in class. Break it up into two or three PowerPoint presentations if you think there is too much information to digest in one sitting. In other words, adapt it to fit your needs. The PowerPoint will also be something that you can come back to time and time again – as needed – in class.
Finally, I’d like to thank my colleague Joe Jasina for the inspiration and a hearty portion of the content for this post.