What types of questions will be asked?
Paper 2 asks you to respond to one question out of four. But what types of questions will be asked on the exam?
The IB has stated that "Paper 2 contains four questions of a general nature which require students to write a comparative essay referring to two works studied during the course” (42 Language and Literature Guide).
So, a general question will, by necessity, be broad in nature allowing a wide and diverse set of literary works to be used.
Do you have any examples of actual questions from past exams?
Not yet! Technically, no student has sat a Paper 2 exam in the "new" iteration of the IB Language and Literature course. First exams for Paper 2 will be in May 2023. Still, we have specimen papers by the IB and the previous course which allows us to have a general sense of what may arise.
Can I see an actual exam?
You'll have to ask your teacher for a past paper (and not until the May 2023 exams have occurred). However, the example we provide below is the types of questions you can expect. It is NOT an actual past exam nor is it exactly what you will get!
Key tip: Be prepared for a wide range of questions to appear. In fact, we don't know what the IB will ask you on the exam and that's okay!