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WT SL (Back in the Bell Jar)

This Written Task is the second task the site has published on Sylvia Plath’s novel The Bell Jar. The student uses the novel – studied in Part 3 of her course – to write an online review/blog. The Written Task is very strong and is noteworthy for a number of reasons: Firstly, the student has worked with the guidance published in Writing Rationales for Written Tasks to write a clear and focused rationale. Secondly, the student has understood the Written Task to be, to some degree, an exercise in creative replication; her own work imitates in form and style, a preexisting text. Here, it may have been more judicious and original to emulate a text that does not itself consider The Bell Jar. Nevertheless, the student attaches the model/stimulus text as an appendix, and this is a good practice. Thirdly, the student writes with creative flair, showing understanding of the novel, whilst expressing her ideas in a stylistically appropriate way. This Written Task is not, in other words, an essay by any other name.

Sample Written Task

 Written Task SL Sample (The Bell Jar)

N.B. This Written Task is only available in PDF format.

Teacher's Comments

Criterion A - Rationale - 2 marks

The rationale explains how the task is connected to the coursework.

2 out of 2 – A well-written rationale. The rationale is clearly linked to the Written Task.

Criterion B - Task and Content - 8 marks

The content of a task should lend itself well to the type of text one chooses. The task should demonstrate an understanding of the coursework and topics studied. Finally, there should be evidence that the student has understood the conventions of writing a particular text type.

7 out of 8 – The student does well to strike a balance between showing an understanding of the novel studied and the conventions of the text type (i.e. book review/blog) She writes compellingly, in a manner that suggests authenticity, whilst simultaneously showing good understanding of characterization and key thematic concerns. Also, at least implicitly, the student reveals an awareness of reader response and how this may impact on the reading and appreciation of a literary text.

Criterion C - Organization - 5 marks

The task is organized effectively and appropriately with a regard for the text type. There must be a sense of coherence.

5 out of 5 – The task is well organized and coherently structured.

Criterion D - Language - 5 marks

The language of the task must be appropriate to the nature of the task. This means that students use an appropriate and effective register and style. Whatever the nature of the task, ideas must be communicated effectively.

4 out of 5 – It may be a little harsh not to award full marks to this response for criterion D. There is a good degree of accuracy and a growing maturity of style.