Writing proposals
Althugh the IB does not stipulate that students must write a proposal before writing the written task 1, this activity helps for several reasons:
Writing a proposal of 200 words helps the teacher give guidance. If you have a poor or irrelevant idea, you will not want to waste your time on it. It is better to reject it earlier than later.
You can use the proposal as a springboard for the rationale.
The proposal creates a sense of commitment. If you and your teacher agree to write the task you propose, then you should stick to it. Changing your idea at the last minute and submitting something you did not agree on with your teacher can lead to frustration.
The proposal helps prevent plagiarism. If you have creatively come up with an idea by yourself or with your teacher, then you are less likely to find samples to steal from online.
4 Questions
Here are four questions that you will want to answer when writing a proposal:
What type of text do I intend to write?
To which topic and / or text is my task going to be connected?
Which learning outcome (or outcomes) will I meet by writing this task?
How will I show that I have applied the kinds of skills required in the written task assignment?
Sample proposals
Here are some sample written task proposals that need help. These proposals do not contain all of the ingredients of a good written task 1, as presented on the tips page. Have a look at this page before you rewrite the proposals so that they would be more successful in meeting the aims of the written task 1. Rewrite them so that they answer all of the questions above.
Proposal 1
I want to start the introduction by saying: ‘You might be one of the many girls suffering from anorexia or bulimia.’ This is to give them the feeling that I’m really talking to them.
In the main part of the brochure, I want to tell about the bad effects of vomiting all day. What many people don’t know, is that this is really bad for teeth. The stomach acid literally destroys the teeth. I want to make girls aware of this. I’d like to add quite a lot of pictures to my brochure to make the effects of vomiting extra clear.
The reason I’m writing about this subject, is that I want to become a dentist. I’m interested in teeth and any bad influences on them
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Proposal 2
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Proposal 3
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