Links for Enquiring Minds - November 2018
At InThinking, we would like our site to be a one-stop-shop. That is, it is our ambition that you can find everything on our site that you need for teaching the IBDP English A Language and Literature course. In this way, we hope that we can, amongst other things, save you time. Our ambition, admittedly, is rather bold. Even as we approach 800,000 words of text, we know that we will never fully realise our ambition, but, to coin a phrase, we beat on, boats against the current.
So, what are we offering?
This page provides a number of links to articles, news stories, and podcasts that are of interest to busy teachers who, like you, are interested in language, literature, and culture. The page is contemporary, and is updated monthly. We hope you enjoy the links. Some may inform your teaching, and some may get passed on, as recommendations, to younger enquiring minds.
'We'll be voting soon': Students take on PM over climate change (The Sydney Morning Herald)
Canberra students skipped school to deliver their climate change message on a sodden day at Parliament House.
The Small Island Where 500 People Speak Nine Different Languages (The Atlantic)
Its inhabitants can understand each other thanks to a peculiar linguistic phenomenon.
Parenting Doesn't Matter (Or Not As Much As You Think) | Intelligence Squared on acast (acast)
The multibillion-pound parenting industry tells us we can all shape our children to be joyful, resilient and successful. But what if is all bunk?
The Mystery of People Who Speak Dozens of Languages (The New Yorker)
What can hyperpolyglots teach the rest of us?
The myth of meritocracy: who really gets what they deserve? (the Guardian)
The long read: Sorting people by 'merit' will do nothing to fix inequality
IB teachers shaping the future in the UK (International Baccalaureate)
The IB and ITN Productions have launched a documentary about the impact of the IB in the UK, highlighting the role of educators and why the IB is growing in popularity in the country.
Short Story - Downloads - BBC Radio 4 (BBC)
Brand new stories, from today’s best writers on Radio 4 – the home of the Short Story.
Women or 'womxn'? Students adopt inclusive language (CNN)
In the latest example of the growing use of inclusive language, designed to avoid excluding particular groups of people, some university groups in the United Kingdom have started using the term "womxn" rather than "women" in official communications.
BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time, Is Shakespeare History? The Plantagenets (BBC)
Melvyn Bragg discusses the impact of Shakespeare's approach to history (programme 1 of 2)
Special episode with Anthony Scaramucci, former White House Director of Communications | Intelligence Squared on acast (acast)
In this episode of the Intelligence Squared podcast we were joined by Anthony Scaramucci, the former White House Director of Communications for a whopping 11 days. He was interviewed by Josh Lowe, Deputy Editor of Apolitical.
BBC World Service - World Book Club, Lijia Zhang: Lotus (BBC)
In Beijing discussing Lotus, about a migrant worker who ends up a prostitute in Shenzen