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Assessment, exemplars and exam revision

There are four assessments at Higher Level and three assessments at Standard Level for the course.  You can read a bit more about them throughout this page.  You will also find more detailed information about each assessment component - including model examples or exemplars - in the tabs on the left hand side.

Key tip: You can use any literary work or non-literary body of work studied in the course for one assessment component only.  Therefore, if you use Hamlet for the IO, you cannot use Hamlet in either your HLE or Paper 2. 

Standard Level Paper 1 - 75 minutes

This is an unseen guided textual analysis.  You are given two non-literary extracts.  You choose one.  A question is provided and you will write a guided textual analysis using that question to frame your response.

Higher Level Paper 1 - 2 hours and 15 minutes

This is an unseen guided textual analysis.  You are given two non-literary extracts (the same two that students get at Standard Level).  You must write about both of them.  There is no choice here.  Just like at Standard Level, a question is provided and you will write a guided textual analysis using that question to frame your response.  To be clear, they are two separate responses and they are weighted equally. 

Standard and Higher Level Paper 2 - 1 hour and 45 minutes

Paper 2 is exactly the same for Standard and Higher Level.  You get 4 questions.  You choose 1 question and write a comparative essay using two literary works you have studied in the course. 

Higher Level Essay

Obviously, this is for Higher Level only.  You write a 1200 – 1500 word processed essay about a topic of your choice using one literary work or one non-literary body of work that you have studied in the course.  The essay is internally worked on/completed during the course and then submitted to the IB for external examination.    

Individual Oral – 15 minutes

This is a prepared 10 minute oral presentation (and five extra minutes of questions by your teacher) in which you explore the (re)presentation of a global issue of your choice in one literary work and one non-literary body of work you have studied in the course. 

This is a super complex assessment. 

Finally, this is the internal assessment for the course.  Your teacher grades your work (i.e. your individual oral) and the IB asks for a moderation sample to be sent to them to check the marks given (and change them if necessary).   


Standard Level

Paper 1 – 35%

Paper 2 – 35%

Individual Oral – 30%

Higher Level

Paper 1 – 35%

Paper 2 – 25%

Individual Oral – 20%

Higher level essay – 20%