InThinking Revision Sites


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"The site is great for revising the basic understandings of each topic quickly. Especially since you are able to test yourself at the end of each page and easily see where yo need to improve."

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IB Core

  • The English A: Language and Literature course is part of the holistic IB learning explerience.
  • The Extended Essay requirement provides students with the opportunity to write a 3,000 - 4,000 words on a topic of interest from one of their subject areas. See this section for samples and tips on how to integrated this into the language and literature course.
  • Theory of Knowledge (TOK) asks interdisciplinary questions on how we acquire knowledge. 'How do you know what you know?' There are many applications of this question to the Language and Literature course.

Selected Pages

  • - Textuality

    When we refer to 'textuality' we mean the characteristics that define a text. What makes a speech a speech? What makes a...

  • Appeal to authority

    Appeal to authority is an argumentation technique, in which one refers to a source that claims to have authority. It is...

  • What types of questions will be asked?

    Paper 2 asks you to respond to one question out of four. But what types of questions will be asked on the exam?The IB has...

  • - Cliché (cliche)

    A cliche is a boring phrase, made tedious by frequent repetition. Cliches often attempt to be clever or sound fine, but...

  • Writing proposals

    Althugh the IB does not stipulate that students must write a proposal before writing the written task 1, this activity helps...

  • 2017 Paper 1 (HL) - Wealth and Happiness (Part 2)

    The following exemplar is a student response to the May 2017 Higher Level Paper 1 examination. It compliments an earlier...