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Individual Oral Commentary (SL) Shooting an Elephant

The extract for this Individual Oral Commentary (IOC) is from George Orwell’s essay ‘Shooting an Elephant’. For teacher’s who would like to use this exemplar with their students, it is perhaps desirable, and certainly possible, for them to ask students to read the relatively short – and very famous! – essay prior to coming to class. Students should be familiar with the grading criteria, and should normally be asked to grade and discuss the exemplar before they consider the teacher’s comments.

Sample Extract/Passage

From 'Shooting an Elephant'

George Orwell



            I had got to shoot the elephant. I had committed myself to doing it

            when I sent for the rifle. A sahib has got to act like a sahib; he has

            got to appear resolute, to know his own mind and do definite

            things. To come all that way, rifle in hand, with two thousand

5.         people marching at my heels, and then to trail feebly away, having

            done nothing – no, that was impossible. The crowd would laugh at

            me. And my whole life, every white man’s face in the East, was one

            long struggle not to be laughed at.

            But I did not want to shoot the elephant. I watched him beating his

10.       bunch of grass against his knees, with that preoccupied

            grandmotherly air that elephants have. It seemed to me that it

            would be murder to shoot him. At that age I was not squeamish

            about killing animals, but I had never shot an elephant and never

            wanted to. (Somehow it always seems worse to kill a large animal.)

15.       Besides, there was the beast’s owner to consider. Alive, the

            elephant was worth at least a hundred pounds; dead, he would only

            be worth the value of his tusks, five pounds, possibly. But I had got

            to act quickly. I turned to some experienced-looking Burmans who

            had been there when we arrived, and asked them how the elephant

20.       had been behaving. They all said the same thing: he took no notice

            of you if you left him alone, but he might charge if you went too

            close to him.

           It was perfectly clear to me what I ought to do. I ought to walk up

            to within, say, twenty-five yards of the elephant and test his

25.       behaviour. If he charged, I could shoot; if he took no notice of me, it

            would be safe to leave him until the mahout came back. But also I

            knew that I was going to do no such thing. I was a poor shot with a

            rifle and the ground was soft mud into which one would sink at

            every step. If the elephant charged and I missed him, I should have

30.       about as much chance as a toad under a steam-roller. But even

            then I was not thinking particularly of my own skin, only of the

            watchful yellow faces behind. For at that moment, with the crowd

            watching me, I was not afraid in the ordinary sense, as I would

            have been if I had been alone. A white man mustn’t be frightened in

35.       front of the “natives”; and so, in general, he isn’t frightened. The sole

            thought in my mind was that if anything went wrong those two

            thousand Burmans would see me pursued, caught, trampled on and

            reduced to a grinning corpse like the Indian up the hill. And if that

            happened it was quite probable that some of them would laugh.

40.      That would never do.

Guiding questions

-       How does the narrator express anxiety about his task?

-       The text extract is written. To what extent, and in what ways, is the language ‘closer to speech’? What is the effect?

Sample Commentary

 Sample Commentary

Teacher's Comments

Students can be given the assessment table (see below) to record their marks and comments. 

Criterion A - Knowledge and understanding of the text or extract - 10 marks

The commentary must show knowledge of the text. The student is expected to refer to the text to support his or her statements. Where appropriate the student must place the extract in its context.

7 out of 10 The student shows a very good knowledge of the text. Although he is a little hesitant (see Criterion C), the student speaks meaningfully about the text for slightly more than 12 minutes, and extends his understanding in the subsequent discussion with the teacher. It would be useful for the student to contextualize and situate the essay more fully at the outset of his commentary, and it would be helpful to more obviously identify and highlight the main, controlling ideas, clearly revealing his knowledge and understanding.

Criterion B - Understanding of the use and effects of stylistic features - 10 marks

The commentary shows how the extract uses literary features, such as narrative technique and structure, to convey meaning. The student comments on the effects that these literary features may have on the reader.

8 out of 10This is good. Some of the ideas, including supporting examples, that the student establishes are really rather sophisticated. His discussion of sentence structure and punctuation, although not always clearly expressed, is well developed and insightful. Frequently, the student draws attention to the effect of language and style on the reader. In this regard, however, the student could discuss effect more consistently. Most of the claims made by the student are compelling, but not all.

Criterion C - Organization - 5 marks

The commentary should be well organized and structured. There should be a coherent presentation of ideas.

3 out of 5 This is perhaps the weakest element of the student’s commentary. He seems rather ponderous and erratic in his approach to the extract, almost certainly in part because he is nervous. He certainly does aim to establish an order for his discussion, and there is some preliminary ‘signposting’. However, it quickly becomes challenging to fully appreciate how and why the student is making transitions; in this regard, he could certainly do better.

Criterion D - Language

The student's use of English must be appropriate and accurate. The student is expected to use a level of vocabulary and a set of terminology that are appropriate to the register of a formal commentary.

4 out of 5 The language is clear and appropriate, and there is a good degree of accuracy. Potentially, one could argue for awarding 5 marks in this criterion.

The commentary ends rather abruptly. Potentially, the teacher could allow the student to finish his response. Nevertheless, the teacher’s questions have, on this occasion, resulted in the student showing a fuller understanding and appreciation of the text extract.