Before the individual oral commentary is taken, you should have a good understanding of the assessment criteria. Students will want to practice assessing their own work, a classmate's work, or a recording of sample work. You may want to do a round of mock orals before setting the real exam as well.
Here is an overview of the criteria for the individual oral commentary. For the exact descriptors we recommend that you consult the Language A: Language and Literature guide.
Both HL and SL students are assessed according to the same criteria. Differentiation between levels only occurs at the stage when grade boundaries are determined by the IB. Marks for the further oral activity are added together with the marks for the individual oral activity. Then, they are divided by two. After moderation, grade boundaries are determined by the subject committee. Standard Level boundaries are more lenient than Higher Level boundaries.
The IB will ask for a sample of recordings from each school. These samples are sent to moderators who increase or decrease the teacher's marks. If the moderator has to make too many adjustments to the teacher's marks, he or she may request that all recordings from the school be sent for moderation. The moderator's changes affect a student's entire internal assessment score, including his/her performance on the further oral activity.
Individual oral commentary
Criterion A - Knowledge and understanding of the text or extract - 10 marks
The commentary must show knowledge of the text. The student is expected to refer to the text to support his or her statements. Where appropriate the student must place the extract in its context.
Criterion B - Understanding of the use and effects of literary features - 10 marks
The commentary shows how the extract uses literary features, such as narrative technique and structure, to convey a particular message. The student comments on the effects that these literary features have on their audience.
Criterion C - Organization - 5 marks
The commentary should be well organized and structured. There should be a coherent presentation of ideas.
Criterion D - Language - 5 marks
The student's use of English must be appropriate and accurate. The student is expected to use a level of vocabulary and a set of terminology that are appropriate to the register of a formal commentary.