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One of the suggested topics for Part 2 of the Language A: Language and Literature guide is 'stereotypes'. For this topic, we look at how various ethnic or gender stereotypes are created in the media. We study the use of language and images in combination with particular roles in film and advertisements. Lessons on this topic explore how racial and gender stereotypes are reinforced in various ads through the use of particular images.

Furthermore it is important to study the role of stereotypes in the Language A: Language and Literature course for several reasons. First of all, we need to make sophisticated comments on the audiences that texts target, meaning we must be nuanced and sublte in our analyses. Secondly, several forms of assessment, such as the written task 2, ask us how different readers may interpret the same text differently. Again, this requires a certain level of understanding and political correctness. 

Here are some guiding questions to help us in our understanding of stereotyps and textual analysis.

Guiding questions

  1. How are stereotypes created in the media?

  2. How do the media reinforce stereotypes?

  3. How are the media critical of stereotyping?