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How am I graded?

Before you deliver your Individual Oral, you should become familiar with the corresponding assessment criteria. You can become familiar with the criteria through self-assessment, peer assessment or teacher assessment. You can also start using the assessment criteria by assessing the sample Individual Orals in this section of the Subject Site.

Here is an overview of the four criteria used to assess the Individual Oral.  It is not the exact wording from the IB as we can't publish it because of copyright. For a more detailed description, you can consult the official IB English A: Language and Literature guide or get it from your teacher. There you will notice that the descriptors are exactly the same for Standard and Higher Level students.

Remember: You only have one opportunity to conduct your Individual Oral.  Prepare diligently, don't memorize it word for word and enjoy it!

Individual Oral

Criterion A - Knowledge, understanding and interpretation  - 10 marks

There is excellent knowledge and understanding of the extracts used as well as the work and text as a whole.  There is also a strong interpretation of them in relation to the global issue.  Finally, one's analysis is supported by relevant examples from the text and work (from the extract and from the whole).

Criterion B - Analysis and evaluation - 10 marks

There is insightful analysis and evaluation of not only the extracts brought into the oral, but also the work/text as a whole.  There is an excellent understanding and appreciation of how an author choices can be used (to present the global issue) 

Criterion C - Focus and organization - 10 marks
The oral is effectively and coherently structured with balance between the work and the text. There is strong evidence of logical focus and organization with ideas connecting well together..

Criterion D - Language - 10 marks
The language used by the student is varied, appropriate and accurate with an academic register and strong style.