Before you conduct a further oral activity, you should become familiar with the corresponding assessment criteria. You can become familiar with the criteria through self-assessment, peer assessment or teacher assessment. You can start using the assessment criteria by assessing the sample oral commentaries in this section of the Subject Site.
Here is an overview of the four criteria used to assess the further oral activity. For a more detailed description, you can consult the official IB English A: Language and Literature guide. There you will notice that the descriptors are exactly the same for Standard and Higher Level students. Differentiation between levels is made by the IB when applying different grade boundaries.
Remember: For each further oral activity a reflective statement must be written. Although reflective statements are not assessed, they will serve as important windows into the planning and performing process. Furthermore these reflective statements must be kept on record within the school.
Further oral activity
Criterion A - Knowledge and understanding of the text(s) and subject matter or extract - 10 marks
The student shows an excellent knowledge of the text(s) or topics. The student understands how the meaning of the text(s) relates to the subject matter.
Criterion B - Understanding of how language is used - 10 marks
The student shows how language is used to create an effect on an audience. There is an understanding and appreciation of how language creates meaning.
Criterion C - Organization - 5 marks
The further oral activity is effectively and coherently structured. There is strong evidence of organization.
Criterion D - Language - 5 marks
The language used by each student is varied, appropriate and accurate. While the nature of each activity may differ, all activities require a certain register from participants.
Remember: Although you may perform your further oral activity as a group, you will be assessed individually. Be sure that you have spoken long enough to be assessed. Keep in mind that teachers can only assess what they see, and not the process leading up to the performance.