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2016 P2 HL (The Bluest Eye and Ghosts - Exemplar 3)

This is the third installment of Paper 2 posts on The Bluest Eye and Ghosts.  You can find the first post here and the second post here.  To support students, remember that all three exemplars use the same two texts to answer the same question from the May 2016 exam:

"How is “home” depicted in at least two of the works you have studied and what is its significance?" (Question 6)

You now have exemplars that are different in terms of argumentation, development of those arguments, paragraphing structure, writing style, and evidence from the text.  There are also enough differences between them to have a discussion with your students about what makes one essay more effective than another. 

In class, use these exemplars in any way you see fit.  Perhaps you print off all three essays and have students rank them from best to worst.  Have them explain their reasoning and let the discussion ensue from there.  Maybe you have them grade each essay using only one criterion so they are laser focused on something you want to teach that day or week in class.  Each essay is structured a bit differently.  You could use to reinforce certain paragraphing or organizational skills.  Finally, you might decide to have students look at just a paragraph or two, instead of the entire essay to start your discussion about what is important in a Paper 2. 

Assessment Criteria

Sample Essay

Examiner's Comments

Criterion A - Knowledge and understanding - 5 marks

The essay demonstrates an understanding of the works and knowledge of the contexts in which they were written. The student shows how context affects interpretations of the texts.

4 out of 5:  Good knowledge of the texts and contexts is shown

Criterion B - Response to the question - 5 marks

A Paper 2 essay should focus on the question chosen. The implications of the exam question need to be explored in depth, and the student's response must be relevant to it.

4 out of 5:  This is a relevant and critical response to the question. 

Criterion C - Understanding of the use and effects of stylistic features - 5 marks

In the Paper 2 exam, a connection needs to be made between the author's use of stylistic features and the effect of them on his or her audience. As Paper 2 questions invite students to explore how meaning is shaped by context, answers will have to explain why authors choose for a certain genre, narrative technique or structure.

4 out of 5: The candidate covers a range of stylistic features.

Criterion D - Organization and development - 5 marks

The essay must develop an answer to the question coherently and effectively. Topic sentences should guide the ideas of paragraphs. Illustrations should be integrated well and explanations should shed light on the subject matter.

3 out of 5:  The development and paragraphing is adequate.

Criterion E - Language - 5 marks

The language of the Paper 2 exam should be effective and accurate. The choice of vocabulary and use of grammar should be consistent and appropriate.

3 out of 5:  The language is adequate as too many errors exist.