Individual oral
The individual oral is a 10-minute oral followed by five minutes of questions by your teacher. It is worth 20% of the your final IB grade if you are a Higher Level student and 30% of your final mark if you are a Standard Level student.
Key point: All of you must address the following prompt in your individual oral: “Examine the ways in which the global issue of your choice is presented through the content and form of one of the works and one of the texts you have studied.”
The individual oral is based on the work you have carried out in your learner portfolio. You have studied several literary works, non-literary bodies of work, and global issues during your time in the course. For the individual oral, you select one extract each from a literary work and from a non-literary body of work that are representative of the global issue you have chosen. Each extract should not exceed 40 lines. Extracts may be complete texts. You bring unannotated copies of your extracts to the individual oral.
The individual oral should be in the form of an argument that explores the global issue through the ways the extracts and entire text/work show and represent the issue. You need to demonstrate the relationship between the textual construction of ideas and the global issue. You should give roughly equal attention to both your chosen extracts and text/work as a whole. That is why a body of work is necessary in the study of non-literary texts.
Key point: Global issues have the following attributes: (a) they have significance on a wide/large scale; (b) they are transnational; (c) the impact is felt in everyday contexts.
You are allowed to choose any of the texts and works your have studied in the course, as long as they are part of the official syllabus. You also get to choose your own global issue.
Key point: You will create an outline, in advance, with a maximum of 10 bullet points (which comes out to roughly 300 words total) that you can bring into the exam. Your teacher will give you a form for this. You can also bring in both extracts, without annotations. That's it!
At least one week prior to the individual oral, you should give the outline and the clean extracts to your teacher. They will let you know what they want and how they want you to submit this to them. Every teacher is different!
Please remember that the individual oral is internally assessed. That is, your teacher marks it first. However, your scores can and often do change! That's because the IB externally moderates the oral. That is, once all orals are complete, and your teacher has marked them, he or she then submits the scores for every student to the IB. The IB will then select the specific sample for moderation that your teacher must send to them. From there, scores can go down (and very, very rarely, up).
There's more to the Individual Oral, of course, but that's enough for now. Look at the other pages under "For Students" and under "Individual Oral" for more help and support.