InThinking Revision Sites


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Why not also try our independent learning self-study & revision websites for students?

We currenly offer the following DP Sites: Biology, Chemistry, English A Lang & Lit, Maths A&A, Maths A&I, Physics, Spanish B

"The site is great for revising the basic understandings of each topic quickly. Especially since you are able to test yourself at the end of each page and easily see where yo need to improve."

"It is life saving... I am passing IB because of this site!"

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Resources (2020 exams)

  • This section provides a kind of backbone of resources for the course, which you can refer to regularly.
  • Do you have questions about the course? Check out our pages on frequently asked questions.  
  • Many lesson pages link into a glossary of key terms, which you can find in this section. Each term has a definition, an image and an example.
  • Are you looking for a definition of a particular text type? What is a 'speech' exactly? Check out our pages on text types
  • Which textbooks, resources or books work well for the English A: Language and Literature course? Find a list of secondary sources in this section of the Subject Site. 
  • Looking for ways to integrate technology into the language classroom? See our tool kit for links to sites, apps and more that help deliver the course material.