Student Model Example 1 (Masters of War and Requiem for the American Dream)

We are grateful to KWC Culemborg in the Netherlands for providing this IO. It received full (moderated) marks. On this page, you have the opportunity to listen to a student who seems genuinely passionate in discussion of his works and texts, who remains totally focused on his global issue, and who frequently uses excellent supporting, illustrative examples. Put under a bit of pressure in the Q&A, his enthusiasm doesn't diminish, and his obvious understanding is, if anything, fortified.
Literary work and non-fiction text used
Sample Individual Oral Outline
Sample Individual Oral
Transcript of Individual Oral
Teacher's Comments
Criterion A: Knowledge, understanding and interpretation (10 marks)
- To what extent does the student know both the extracts and the work/text?
- To what extent is the knowledge and understanding connected to the chosen global issue?
- How effective is the evidence used to support the ideas presented in the individual oral?
Criterion B: Analysis and evaluation (10 marks)
- How relevant and insightful is the analysis and evaluation?
- How well does the student understand the author's choices in relation to the chosen global issue?
Criterion C: Focus and organization (10 marks)
- How clear and sustained is the focus of the oral?
- To what extent is the oral a balanced discussion of both the literary work and the non-fiction text?
- How well-developed are the ideas in the oral?
Criterion D: Language (10 marks)
- How accurate is the language used?
- How sophisticated is the vocabulary and syntax?
- To what extent are elements of style used, and how effectively, to enhance the oral?
Two Further Observations
- The student gives his name in the individual oral. There is no requirement to do this and, in fact, the oral should be anonymous.
- There are two teachers present for the oral, including the Q&A. This is probably unusual. While there is no proscription that disallows this practice, it's important that students feel as comfortable as possible in a very pressurised situation. If having more than one teacher/examiner is felt to exacerbate pressure on students, it may be better to have only one teacher present for the examination.