Characters and context
This lesson shows how you can compare the characters from a novel to the real-life people from an author's life. Below you find a passage from The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, which is an excellent work for Part 3 (school's free choice). It is quite contextually rich, as it was written during the invasion of Afghanistan in the early 2000s and reflects much of the author's personal experiences. Even if you are not familiar with the characters from this novel, you will find the passage intriguing. The relationships between characters are tense in this scene, as it marks a turning point in the novel.
For Part 3 works, we will want to go beyond the text and look for relationships in the author's life that may have inspired the author to develop these fictional characters. This lesson requires that we look at the text and its characters critically by taking the context of composition into consideration. You will hunt for quotes from the passage that illustrate the various relationships in the story, and find people from the author's life that may have inspired them.
Note: Even if you are not reading The Kite Runner for Part 3, you can apply this activity to Part 3 works that you are reading. The worksheets are edit-able for this reason.
Quote hunting
As you study literary texts, you will want to hunt for important quotes or illustrations. These shed light on the themes of a work. This exercise asks you to read a passage from The Kite Runner and look for important lines that exemplify the relationships between characters.
As a preparatory activity, you may want to create character interaction diagrams similar to the one shown here on the left. Exploring a narrative using images and spatial relations can help you to develop your interpretative ideas. Use shapes and lines to depict your understanding of character interactions, and share them with others to compare thoughts.
After you have mapped out the relationships between the characters in a diagram, you will want to find quotes or lines that shed light on these. You can practice this exercise, using the passage below from The Kite Runner. Find lines that illustrate the relationships between characters in order to fill in the left column of the table below.
Characters, quotes and context (PDF)
Characters, quotes and context (MS Word)
Quote from the text | From the context |
Baba and Ali:
Quote explained: |
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Amir and Hassan:
Quote explained: |
Khaled Hosseini did not go back to Afghanistan until 2007 with a UN mission. It is possible that he felt guilty for leaving his country for not returning to his country for 31 years. Hassan may represent that sense of guilt. |
Amir and Baba:
Quote explained: |
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Baba and Hassan:
Quote explained: |
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Hassan and Ali:
Quote explained: |
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Primary source
The Kite Runner
Khaled Hosseini
Through my bedroom window, I watch Ali and Hassan push the wheelbarrows loaded with meat, ‘naan’, fruit, and vegetables up the driveway. I saw Baba emerge from the house and walk up to Ali. Their mouths moved over words I couldn’t hear. Baba pointed to the house and Ali nodded. They separated. Baba came back to the house; Ali followed Hassan to their hut.
A few moments later, Baba knocked on my door. “Come to my office,” he said. “We’re all going to sit down and settle this thing.”
I went to Baba’s study, sat in the one of the leather sofas. It was theirty minutes or more before Hassan and Ali joined us.
They’d both been crying; I could tell from their red, puffed up eyes. They stood before Baba, hand in hand, and I wondered how and when I’d become capable of causing this kind of pain.
Baba came right out and asked. “Did you steal that money? Did you steal Amir’s watch, Hassan?”
Hassan’s reply was a single word, delivered in a thin, raspy voice: “Yes.”
I flinched, like I’d been slapped. My heart sank and I almost blurted out the truth. Then I understood: This was Hassan’s final sacrifice for me. If he’d said no, Baba would have believed him, then I’d be the accused; I would have to explain and I would be revealed for what I really was. Baba would never, ever forgive me. And that led to another understanding: Hassan knew. He knew I’d seen everything in that alley, that I’d stood there and done nothing. He knew I had betrayed him and yet he was rescuing me once again, maybe for the last time. I loved him in that moment, loved him more than I’d ever loved anyone, and I wanted to tell them all that I was the snake in the grass, the monster in the lake. I wasn’t worthy of this sacrifice; I was a liar, a cheat, and a thief. And I would have told, except that a part of me was glad. Glad that this would all be over with soon. Baba would dismiss them, there would be some pain, but life would move on. I wanted that, to move on, to forget, to start with a clean slate. I wanted to be able to breathe again.
Except Baba stunned me by saying, “I forgive you.”
Forgive? But theft was the one unforgivable sin, the common denominator of all sins. When you killed a man, you steal a life. You steal his wife’s right to a husband, rob his children of a father. When you tell a lie, you steal someone’s right to the truth. When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness. There is no act more wretched than stealing. Hadn’t Baba sat me on his lap and said those words to me? Then how could he just forgive Hassan? And if Baba could forgive that, then why couldn’t he forgive me for not being the son he’d always wanted? Why—“We are leaving, Agha sahib,” Ali said.
Secondary sources
In order to fill in the right hand column from the table above, you will have to do some research on the context of the author's life. You may want to find out what kinds of people he or she knew and how they possibly inspired the author when developing characters. Here are three websites that you could check to find out more biographical information on the author.
- Wikipedia page on Khaled Hosseini
- From the official Khaled Hosseini website
- Sparknotes page on The Kite Runner and its context
Towards assessment
Paper 2 - This kind of activity is good practice for the Paper 2 exam, where you have to comment on how the context of the author influenced him or her to write in a certain style or develop a particular character (closely linked to the second learning outcome for Part 3). Practice writing a paragraph on characterization and context for a specimen Paper 2 exam question.
Written task 1 - Furthermore, you may want to write a transcribed interview as a written task 1, in which you interview the author for a literary magazine. Read more secondary sources on the author's life and ask him or her critical questions that relate to the characters of the novel or play that you have read.