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Revising Part 3 Texts

At the time of writing (April 2018), final IB examinations are approaching for northern hemisphere schools. There are, typically, a number of features that reoccur in mediocre and/or weak Paper 2 examination responses. For example, students do not respond (well) to the question they choose. Or, they do not identify or demonstrate understanding of their studied works as literary constructions. On occasion - and almost remarkably - some students give little indication that they have read the literary works that have been studied in class. It can be tremendously dispiriting for examiners to read examination responses where students cannot, for example, correctly identify the title(s) of the works they have studied, or correctly spell the name of the work's writer. 

This InThinking page provides a preliminary revision tool for students preparing for their Paper 2 examination. It is an opportunity for students to revise and record basic detais that are likely to be of significance in the Paper 2 examination.