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One of the defining features of the Language and Literature course - first exams in May 2021 - is the explicit inclusion of seven defining concepts. Those seven concepts are:








Using these seven concepts will allow students to look closely at one non-literary text or literary work in detail and depth.  Conversely, it will also allow them the scope and breadth to apply one or more concepts more broadly to multiple texts and works. 

These seven concepts are meant to be a key thread connecting all that you do in your classroom.  Instead of one off lessons or bits and pieces of language and literature that are seemingly disjointed, these concepts allow students see and understand the big ideas of the course and how they are inter-related.  Through a concept based approach to teaching and learning, students will develop their critical thinking, creativity, and understanding. 

When you click on the concept above, you will be taken to a new page that explains the concept, asks some critical questions, and provides you with teaching resources to use when using that concept in your course.  You can also find a Higher Level and Standard Level course outline under "Course construction" (see course outline option #2) that exclusively focuses on the concepts to build your course. 

If you are interested in reading and learning more about concept based teaching and learning, you’ll want to start with Lynn Erickson.  Her books include:

  1. Concept-based Curriculum and Instruction for the Thinking Classroom: Teaching Beyond the Facts.
  2. Transitioning to Concept-based Curriculum and Instruction: How to Bring Content and Process Together
  3. Stirring the Head, Heart and Soul: Redefining Curriculum and Instruction

Finally, questions often arise about how the concepts of the course connect to the areas of exploration.  It’s a bit like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich: they can exist separately, but when put together, it makes the sandwich that much more delicious.  The same holds true for combining the concepts and the areas of exploration.  At times, you will be looking at something through a time and space lens, but you will also be analyzing aspects of culture and identity as well.        

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