InThinking Revision Sites


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Selected Pages

  • Denouement

    From the French for 'unknotting', denouement refers to the final unfolding of plot in a literary work. It is at this point...

  • Tool kit

    There are many tools to facilitate learning in the English A: Language and Literature classroom. You may find some of these...

  • Student Model Example 1 (Masters of War and Requiem for the American Dream)

    We are grateful to KWC Culemborg in the Netherlands for providing this IO. It received full (moderated) marks. On this page,...

  • Higher level essay

    The Higher Level Essay is a 1200-1500 word essay completed internally in your class but is externally assessed by an examiner....

  • WT1 SL S1 (2pac)

    The following sample student work stems from a unit on language and race in Part 1 of the syllabus. As a class, students...

  • WT1 SL (Language and Identity)

    This written task is based on Part 1 of the course, Language in Cultural Context. The task explores the relationship between...