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- Setting

The setting of a story is more than where it takes place, geographically, and when it takes place, temporally. When discussing setting as a literary technique, we often look at it in relation to its main characters. After all, setting creates a set of expectations for the reader and an environment for its characters. We usually use these terms when talking about setting and characters:

  1. Mirror - The setting can reflect the overall mood of the story, and it can reflect the personality of the characters in the story.
  2. Mould - The setting may shape characters and make them act the way they do.
  3. Escape - The setting can often be a fantasy-like escape, taking us to imaginary worlds, either in the past or the future.
  4. Alien - Many times the setting will be hostile to the character who is an outsider, exile, or refugee. These types of settings emphasize the loss of roots and sense of home.