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WT (SL) The Crucible

The following written task 1 (SL) is not bad at all. It is not an excellent or outstanding written task, but it is certainly good. It develops from the student’s study of Arthur Miller’s popular play, The Crucible, adding two additional scenes. The student’s rationale, although underdeveloped, is reasonably compelling, and the task has some apparent authenticity. Nevertheless, readers are likely to think that the student has, quite simply, to do more to receive top marks. Thus, in using the sample with students, it can be useful to have them make suggestions for extension and improvement that would take the task from good to top drawer.

Sample Written Task

Teacher's Comments

Criterion A - Rationale - 2 marks

The rationale explains how the task is connected to the coursework.

2 out of 2 - The rationale is reasonably clear. It lacks some development and detail. Nevertheless, the student outlines his intentions well enough.

Criterion B - Task and Content - 8 marks

The content of a task should lend itself well to the type of text one chooses. The task should demonstrate an understanding of the coursework and topics studied. Finally, there should be evidence that the student has understood the conventions of writing a particular text type.

6 out of 8 – The student shows a good understanding of the source text, including thematic concerns, setting, and characterisation. And, there is a sense of authenticity. However, ideas tend not to develop in ways that might reveal a more thorough and nuanced understanding of the play.

Criterion C - Organization - 5 marks

The task is organized effectively and appropriately with a regard for the text type. There must be a sense of coherence.

4 out of 5 – The task is organised and generally coherent. There is some repetition of ideas.

Criterion D - Language - 5 marks

The language of the task must be appropriate to the nature of the task. This means that students use an appropriate and effective register and style. Whatever the nature of the task, ideas must be communicated effectively.

5 out of 5 – Clear, effective, and accurate language.