InThinking Revision Sites


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We currenly offer the following DP Sites: Biology, Chemistry, English A Lang & Lit, Maths A&A, Maths A&I, Physics, Spanish B

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While this Subject Site aims to be the best website for the English A: Language and Literature, you may find links to external sites that offer a range of resources that enrich your classroom experiences. We have provided a short list of essential websites that tie in well to this course. 

  • The British Library has an excellent website for teachers and students. One part, called 'Language and Literature', offers a wealth of resources for Part 1. There is even a part called 'Text and Context' in which you can look at old cookbooks and ship logs from the East Indies Company. 'Sounds Familiar' is another relevant site with an interactive map of England where you can listen to real people speaking in their local accents.

  • The Media Education Foundation (MEF) is a rich resource for Part 2 topics. You will find user-friendly handouts with statistics on violence and media, documentaries on the effects of advertising on women, and study guides to accompany these documentaries. Overall, this is a highly effective resource.

  • If you decide to study poetry in Part 4, you will want to learn more about poetic devices. One way to become more aware of poetic devices is to listen to poetry read outloud. The Poetry Archive offers a wealth of poems, read out loud by the poets who wrote them.