How are people, at times, manipulated through language? Have you ever noticed how politicians can make something sound nicer that it really is? They do this by using euphemism. We don't tell people that a family member 'died'. We say they 'passed away'. Soldiers do not accidentally kill fellow soldiers. Instead we refer to 'friendly fire'. The world is full of euphemisms like these.
What is the harm in using euphemisms? In this lesson we will explore the role of euphemisms and war, reading an extract from an essay and viewing an interview with a NATO strategist. Euphemisms relate well to the second learning outcome for Part 2, where we become more aware of the potential for political influence of the media.
War of words
The following essay title 'Words and Behaviour' by Adolus Huxley describes the effects of using euphemisms during war time. Read the following extract and answer the questions below.
What is Huxley's main concern?
Why should we care about the language used to describe war?
Words and Behaviour
Aldous Huxley
The most shocking fact about war is that its victims and its instruments are individual human beings, and that these individual human beings are condemned by the monstrous conventions of politics to murder or be murdered in quarrels not their own, to inflict upon the innocent, and innocent themselves of any crime against their enemies, to suffer cruelties of every kind.
The language of strategy and politics is designed, so far as it is possible, to conceal this fact, to make it appear as though wars were not fought by individuals drilled murder one another in cold blood and without provocation, but either by impersonal and therefore wholly non-moral and impassible forces, or else by personified abstractions. [...]
Find the euphemisms
Listen to the following interview with Jamie Shea, NATO spokesman on the Kosovo War in 1999. Notice how he uses the euphemisms listed below. What do these words really refer to? There are more euphemisms than given in this list. Make a longer list as you listen to the interview and answer the discussion questions below.
Word used | concept intended |
through thick and thin |
While people were being killed in war
throw in the towel |
lose the war, retreat
in the wake of |
During a lot of violence and destruction
no-brainer |
A decision made without much thought
collateral damage |
Loss of civilian life
Interview with Jamie Shea
NATO community
Check for understanding
After viewing the interview answer the following questions to check for understanding.
Why did Jamie Shea believe that the NATO operation in Kosovo would have been a success?
Why was the Kosovo war particularly significant for NATO?
Why did NATO believe the public would support the war?
How does Shea view the media's role in wartime?
What effect does following international law have on the effectiveness of airstrikes?
Were there any other euphemisms you could find?
Towards Assessment
Written Task 1 - Write a letter from Aldous Huxley to Jamie Shea persuading him to leave his job for ethical reasons. Provide Jamie Shea's response as if he were writing during the war, or ten years later.
Further oral activity - Read these articles on euphemism and war. Design a presentation in which you explore both the good and bad effects of using euphemisms in the media during war time.