InThinking Revision Sites


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Why not also try our independent learning self-study & revision websites for students?

We currenly offer the following DP Sites: Biology, Chemistry, English A Lang & Lit, Maths A&A, Maths A&I, Physics, Spanish B

"The site is great for revising the basic understandings of each topic quickly. Especially since you are able to test yourself at the end of each page and easily see where yo need to improve."

"It is life saving... I am passing IB because of this site!"

Basic (limited access) subscriptions are FREE. Check them out at:


On this page you will find reviews of books and other resources useful to teachers of Language and Literature. Subscribers to the site are encouraged to submit their own reviews. Aim to keep reviews to a 'reasonable' length - say 700 - 1500 words. In a review, subjectivity is fine (is there an alternative?). Explain what the resource is about and/or includes, and suggest why it may be useful to students and/or teachers.

Authors of reviews may also want to include short biographical information and a portrait photograph.

Should you wish to write a review, please submit your idea in the first instance to

Thank you!