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2021 Individual Oral: Exemplar 1 (Brave New World and Sara Rahbar)

The Individual Oral is the assessment that has most likely caused the largest number of headaches for teachers.  It's understandable why: it's a tough assessment to wrap your head around! 

One specific way to help students wrap their heads around the assessment task is to listen to an Individual Oral together.  This exemplar is wonderful for that purpose!  It hits all the right notes and provides students with a model for what to do in terms of the nuts and bolts of the assessment component.

More specifically, the student asks this big question in her IO: How do the two texts present the idea of cultural assimilation as a consequence of migration?  Her global issue is very precise, but it's also complex (about cultural assimilation and migration).

To explore this global issue, the student uses the novel Brave New World and the artwork of Sara Rahbar.  She focuses her discussion of the novel on an extract where John the Savage struggles to assimilate to the cultural norms of the World State.  In the non-literary text, the student closely analyzes how the artist explores her own cultural assimilation through the flags she creates.  Overall, this Individual Oral hits all the right notes and is a top-notch exemplar.

Literary work and non-fiction text used

Sample Individual Oral Outline

Sample Individual Oral

May 2021 Individual Oral Exemplar 1

Teacher's Comments

Criterion A: Knowledge, understanding and interpretation (10 marks)

  • To what extent does the student know both the extracts and the work/text?
  • To what extent is the knowledge and understanding connected to the chosen global issue?
  • How effective is the evidence used to support the ideas presented in the individual oral?

9 out of 10:   The candidate has a clearly defined global issue and persuasively connects the GI to the extract and to teh whole work and the body of work.  The references are precise. 

Criterion B: Analysis and evaluation (10 marks)

  • How relevant and insightful is the analysis and evaluation?
  • How well does the student understand the author's choices in relation to the chosen global issue?

9 out of 10: The discussion of authorial choices is completely thorough and nuanced in relation to both the extract and the larger work/body of work.  The comments about authorial choices are insightful in both the extract and the wider work/body of work.

Criterion C: Focus and organization (10 marks)

  • How clear and sustained is the focus of the oral?
  • To what extent is the oral a balanced discussion of both the literary work and the non-fiction text?
  • How well-developed are the ideas in the oral?

9 out of 10: The oral is extremely well-balanced (between the literary work and non-literary work; between the literary extract and the whole novel; and between the non-literary text and the body of work).  The transitions make it even more cohesive.  Finally, the overall development of ideas is logical and convincing. 

Criterion D: Language (10 marks)

  • How accurate is the language used?
  • How sophisticated is the vocabulary and syntax?
  • To what extent are elements of style used, and how effectively, to enhance the oral?

9 out of 10: There is a great rhythm and style to the overall oral even if that style is not maintained in the question and answer portion. The language is clear, accurate and varied as well.