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Paper 1

Paper 1 is an examination that requires students to write a guided textual analysis from an unseen non-literary text or extract.  The exam will contain two unseen non-literary texts or extracts. 

Key tip: Standard Level students write one guided textual analysis.  If you are an SL student, you get to choose which non-literary text/extract for your guided textual analysis.

Higher Level students must write two different guided textual analyses.  If you are a HL student, you do not get any choice.  You must write about both text in two separate responses. 

Each non-literary text will be accompanied by one guiding question that directs you to consider a formal or stylistic aspect of the text. While it is not necessary for you to respond to this question, we think you should!  Almost all students respond to the question (rather than create and pose a question of their own). 

Key tip: Answer the guiding question! 

The Basics

  • Paper 1 is an examination using unseen non-literary texts. 
  • Paper 1 asks students to write a guided textual analysis about one (SL) or both (HL) of the texts provided.
  • Each individual text is presented with a guiding question.  This guiding question will be about a technical or formal aspect of the text.  While students do not have to answer the guiding question, and they can propose their own line of argument about the text, it must be focused on a particular aspect that provides focus to the analysis.   
  • Passages for analysis may be complete pieces of writing or extracts from larger works. There is also the possibility of commenting on a visual text or an extract from a longer piece. Possible text types for analysis can be found in the guide on pages 21-22.
  • Paper 1 counts for 35% of the final grade at both SL and HL. It is assessed externally.
  • Paper 1 is out of 20 marks for SL and 40 marks for HL.