How do I organize my Paper 1?
There is no formula for writing a Paper 1. Instead, there are many right ways to write it. It’s also important to note that different English-speaking cultures may have slightly different approaches to writing. The IB honors them all. There are, however, some commonalities found in the best papers.
Basic Structure
The very general organizational structure is almost always an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion/synthesis. As well, we advise you to focus your response, and organize your response using the guiding question to frame your thinking.
Word Count
You want quality over quantity. But we also know, from looking at model examples, that you want to shoot for over 800 words, if you can. It’s hard – but not impossible – to reach the top bands of the criteria if you write too little.
Valid and persuasive interpretation (think big claims or arguments) about the text is found in the best exemplars.
Close Language/Image Analysis
Detailed and precise close language/image analysis that fully unpacks or discusses the author’s choices in depth is necessary.
You need to adhere to the conventions of academic writing. Correct grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and more matter!
It’s also important to think about “voice.” Yes, you are writing an exam. But you also have a reader, who may read 150 or more of these over a three-week period. How is your “voice” going to show engagement with the text?
There are no wrong answers in English. This is a myth that must be busted! You can be wrong in English! If you get the plot wrong or misread the text in terms of surface meaning, you are in deep trouble on the exam. Of course, there can be many “right” interpretations, but if the text is about a dog and you are making an argument about a cat, you are wrong.
You still haven’t answered my question! How do I organize my Paper 1?
I’m sorry, but we can’t give you an exact answer. Often, the text you get, along with the guiding question provided, will “tell” you how to organize your Paper 1. As well, look at the model examples. They vary in style and quality. See how various students organize their Paper 1s and keep an open mind going into the exam that there are many right ways to write (keeping in mind the general advice above).